Monday Mixtape, Vol. 155

I’m VERY excited about an artist I just stumbled upon, and I have been listening to him nonstop since. I have listened to his entire discography many times, and wow, I’m pretty excited about how good this guy is. Next week I will have a Monday Mixtape dedicated solely to him.

As for now, I’m just going to shutup and play the hits.

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 148

Well, damnit. I just wrote A WHOLE BLOG POST, and it got deleted. It went into how this new guy, Rex Orange County, reminds me of Frank Ocean while still having his own spin on the sound. Rex is English, he’s 21, and he’s got a unique style that could only be compared to Ocean. His new album takes a few rides through to get comfortable with, but I find those artists to be the ones who last!

This track by MyKey is one of my favorite songs of the year. From the second I first heard it.

Bakar is the man. Nod your head.

A lot of other stuff on here that’s great that I don’t feel like writing about, again. Damnit.

Have a good week!

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 104

Apologies! I have been on hiatus for quite some time. I went on vacation, took an impromptu visit to DC to attend the Caps parade (!!) and am planning on moving shortly. ANYWAYS, I still have been listening to a ton of new music so I'd like to share some :)

I've listened to Lykke Li for years now, more as a bystander than an active listener. I have never loved her but always appreciate her music. I think she's an artist who veers into the pop world but has always been genuine and creative. The first track on her new album, "hard rain," has such a beautiful start to an album in pain from heartbreak:  

"If you like the feeling of a hard falling / I have a secret / I can give you an ocean"

 My favorite Natalie Prass has released her sophomore album, unfortunately one that just can't stand up to her phenomenal debut. My favorite song is likely the first track "Oh My" which gives me tinges of Rhythm Nation-era Janet Jackson with a little extra funk.

Arctic Monkeys took a HUGE departure in their sound from any other albums for their sixth. I absolutely love these guys (their first album and then their fifth AM are so so good) and respect anything they do because it's so damn different. If anything can explain their sound for this album, listen to this track on the mixtape. 

As always, any track with Frank Ocean will inevitably make it to the mixtape somehow! This, sadly, is the best track on A$AP Rocky's new album. I say sadly because it's pretty much all Frank Ocean. Wish the album was better.

Snail Mail has been getting a ton of love from the music critics for her new album Lush. If you like this track, I'd check it out. 

Speaking of albums getting love from critics, it may come as no surprise that Beach House is getting a ton of love for their new album, including being named the best album (so far!) of 2018 by Stereogum. So check it out! 

Alright, I'm out and will try to be better at posting. Adios!

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 84

I am getting married in 12 days. It's a surreal feeling to finally be headed somewhere I also dreamed. She's a very special person, and all I know is I feel warm when she is near. I've been working a lot on the music for our wedding, and I will share some of the playlists to our wedding in a few weeks.

All I know is throughout my time with her, music has played an integral role in our relationship, in our life. She has an unending passion to explore what she doesn't know, which makes me so happy when she falls in love with Tame Impala, Kendrick Lamar, and loves seeing Radiohead live. And I've learned a lot of country diddy's that I never knew.

As usual, I have curated a list of songs to play for this week, many drastically different than the next.

LCD Soundsystem came out of retirement (let's be honest, no one actually expected them to retire. No one believes music retirements anymore, and I've become more skeptical of them as money grabs to go on farewell tours. I'm sure some are sincere and others aren't) and released a great album which I still need to digest, but I was running recently when this song came on, and I had the "DAMN, who is this??" moment. Great track. 

The War On Drugs released another incredible album that seamlessly plays from front to back. The modern day Springsteen, or that's what some say. 

I'll put basically every single Frank Ocean song on Monday Mixtape, so this is another example of his brilliance. 

Bryson Tiller's sophomore album was a bit disappointing given how much I loved his first album. Nonetheless, there are some jams on his new one, particularly "High Stakes," his Jay-Z-like "December 4th" coming of age track. 

XXXTENTACION gets the annual award for worst name. I can't pronounce it nor understand it and I just feel old reading it. But I do like this track. 

Happy Monday all, love somebody! 

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 77

For a very short period of time, my only job will be blogging for Layers & Sounds! Not sure if that will result in more output (most likely not) as I just resigned from my job and am taking a month off before starting my own business :) 

Enough about me, let's talk music:

I know that in many years, when I'm an old man listening to vinyls of yesteryear, Mac Demarco's classic album Salad Days (read my writeup on the album - my #1 album of 2014!) will be on rotation. It's almost impossible to follow an album like that, so it's not a huge surprise that the jokester Demarco was not up to the task. Nonetheless, his new album is an enjoyable, laid-back album to put on in the background during the late night of a party. There are a couple standout tracks, including this one, "This Old Dog" (and yes, he's mainly up to the same tricks).

Kembe X is one of the newer members on the TDE label (the infamous label with Kendrick, Isaiah Rashad, Schoolboy Q, Ab-Soul, and Jay Rock), and TDE continues to find gold. I really dig this guy and am interested to hear his major label debut. "Intro" is all you need to hear to know whether you're into him as well. There's nothing particularly unique about him, but it's just good music man!

It's killing me that the last thee songs Local Natives have released as singles - The Only Heirs, Tusk, and I Saw You Close Your Eyes - are so much better than half the songs on their recently released third album. These songs would have made that third album SO much more consistent and deep. Oh well.

I was very disappointed in Feist's recent album, only a song or two stuck out, and nothing really stayed with me for a prolonged time. This track is one of my favorites, a stripped down acoustic ballad that showcases one of the best and most original voices around. I think I was so disappointed in her album because her last, Metals, was also somewhat disappointing (though def better than this one) which was after her classic - another album I will absolutely be listening to when I'm wrinkly and gray! - 1, 2, 3, 4. That album alone is enough for me, but I always hoped for another great one from her. 

Ok, let's be honest here, no one really wants to hear an entire song of rappers rap about a high fashion label, in this case Raf (Simmons I believe). If I had my druthers, no one would EVER talk about Mason Margiela (if that's how you spell it - and no, I will not Google that to double check) or any of these other really expensive "it" designers who are helping us all blow money that we probably should be saving or spending on something a bit more worthwhile. (Rant over). But you know what we do want to listen to? A song with ASAP Rocky, Quavo, and Frank Ocean! So despite the terrible lyrics, this is still a pretty great song that's wrapped up by my fave, Frank Ocean, who lets us know that he charges $2.5 million per show. Not bad, Frank. Also kind of amazing that he never performs which is probably which that price tag can be so damn high.  

Finally, I'm excited for Foster the People's third album. That's all I gotta say on that. 

Have a good week, peoples!

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 70

It's been quite the weekend - I just got back from the Oregon vs. Rhode Island NCAA March Madness game in Sacramento. What an unbelievable game. Oregon had absolutely no reason winning. They were outplayed in pretty much every facet of the game, but they continued to hang in there as the 11th seeded Rhode Island team smacked them around - at one point during the game RI went 17 of 21 in shots. ON FIRE!

Rhode Island was playing with nothing to lose and Oregon had all the pressure on them and were clearly faltering under it. It is remarkable to witness the psychological warfare that goes on at a live event like that. Oregon fans were losing their minds and SO negative the entire game. These are just KIDS that these people are screaming at. The players had to have felt the negative energy.

Meanwhile, the Rhode Island fans were going nuts and the players were playing with utter abandon and joy to be in the tourney with the opportunity to knockout such a huge team like Oregon.

Once the game got really tight in the last two minutes, it was Rhode Island's turn to feel the pressure. What once felt like walking on water, they now had saw the possibility of letting the game slip away. The pressure was too much for them to handle. In the end, Oregon pulled off the win with a ridiculously clutch three from G Tyler Dorsey. And the crowd went crazy.

Kudos to both teams. That was probably the best college basketball game I've ever attended, and the first March Madness game of my life. I recommend it to all. You can only hope for a crazy game like that. 

Now listen to some music!

Monday Mixtape Vol. 69

"Slide," the new track from Calvin Harris, Frank Ocean, and Migos has to be an early contender for song of the year. I assume this is going to be a huge hit everywhere (if it isn't already) because HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE THIS SONG?? 

Hippo Campus was a band I wrote about one whole year ago when they released a super catchy EP and compared them to Vampire Weekend and Local Natives. With the release of their debut album a week ago, the comparisons to Vampire Weekend will surely continue while the songs continue to keep me bopping my head. These guys just make you feel good listening to them. Their music puts a smile on your face and also plays as great background music with its balance of upbeat but chill vibes. Def start digging into this album if you like the two tracks from this week's mixtape!

John Mayer released part 2 of his EP, and I definitely enjoy it more than the first one. "Helpless" sounds like a b-side from his "Heavier Things" and "Continuum" era albums. This has that catchiness of a "Vultures" a similar little guitar lick. When he's on, Mayer makes some great pop music with a touch of blues.

I told you I would have another Future song on this mixtape! He released his second album in two weeks (and was rumored to be dropping in three albums in three weeks - but that didn't happen)   and I've been listening to it non-stop. I can't particularly describe why I like Future. I remember not liking his music when I first started listening to him, but as I began to accept his auto-tuned voice, I started to hear his different rhythms and flows and ability to ride with a song. "Incredible" is Future with a little reggae beat and a hook that keeps you coming back for more.

Circa Waves' 2015 album was a really fun uplifting album that always makes you feel like you're soaking in sun at the beach. See: T-Shirt Weather:

Their music is not particularly original or transformative, but it just feels good to listen to. They have a ton of energy, and this single from their upcoming album gives them a bit more grit and rock n' roll. Excited for the album. 

Have a good week! 

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 58

Apologies for my absence, life has occurred in the memorable month of September. I proposed to my girlfriend (she said yes!), went to two weddings, worked my butt off for my real job for a deposition and other crazy fraudster shit, moved into my finance's apartment, saw my fiancé get a killer job cuz she's a rock star. It's been one to remember. 

THAT BEING SAID, we still need to listen to music. Fortunately for you, I've got what you need. There are two human beings who are broadcasting over my entire musical bandwidth: Frank Ocean and Isaiah Rashad. 

I'll start with Frank. First off, I need to write a review for his album. There are gorgeous tracks amidst some other messy, less perfect ones. But the gorgeous tracks are symphonies to the ears, a treat of epic proportions. I' still debating what my favorite songs are - it's down to four - but I included two of the contenders. 

Isaiah Rashad, a rapper I've loved going back to Monday Mixtape, Vol. 5 (!)(in May 2015!!)(Can't believe I've been doing this so long!!!). I can't stop listening to what would either be called his major label debut or his second album. I call it his second album because his first - Cilvia Demo - was so well arranged and unique that it would be a disservice to call it a mixtape. Rashad is on the TDE label - along with luminary Kendrick Lamar and his disciples Schoolboy Q, Ab-Soul, Jay Rock - but the only one from the east coast.

His sound is like A Tribe Called Quest meets ATLiens-era Outkast with the serious separating factor of his own damn talent and vibe. I love this guy and his music only gets better and better. You may not like or love it the first time around, but it just grows and grows on you = the mark of an amazing album.

I imagine October may be a bit less wild than September, so I hope to be a bit more active on the blog. Enjoy!

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 45

In the past few weeks, my two favorite albums of the year (to date) have been released, James Blake’s The Colour in Anything and Sturgill Simpson’s A Sailor’s Guide to Earth. I had to make a mixtape with my favorite tracks from each.

As you may have noticed in my last pseudo Mixtape, I am pretty obsessed with Blake’s new album. I am a bit surprised that the overall reaction to the album has been so muted, especially considering Blake is a critical darling almost to the heights of Justin Vernon (who sneezes and gets a post in Pitchfork and Stereogum hinting that he’s working on new music). This is a GORGEOUS album made all the more impressive that a 27-year-old made it (with the help of Frank Ocean too!).

Well, guess what? Justin Vernon/Bon Iver IS working on new music…and it’s with James Blake! “I Need a Forest Fire” is the last track on this week’s Monday Mixtape, Vol. 45, and one of my favorite songs from Blake’s new album. Pairing two very high falsettos together could have ended terribly, but these two are the top of their class vocally and made the vocals blend seamlessly. 

The rest of the the James Blake tracks are my remaining favorites from the album. It was impossible to pick one or two (as I usually do for these mixtapes) songs as I’m enamored with so many. Listen to these to get a feel. 

Sturgill’s album is a sailor’s letter to his family back in the states. From the sweet and sincere (“Breakers Roar”) to a raucous hootenanny (“Call To Arms”) to funky and jazzy (“Keep It Between the Lines”), then swing-sounding country (“All Around You”), Simpson crashes through the walls of sound and gives the middle finger to expectations of genre. For an album that rocks around while sailing full speed ahead, it’s surprisingly cohesive and flows really well. I love this album. 

Happy Monday!



Albums to look forward to in 2015!

I've scoured the interwebs for a bunch of info on 2015 album releases (thank you Consequence of Sound, Stereogum, Pitchfork, Metacritic, Ranker) and here's an incredibly quick listing of albums that I promise to listen to MANY MANY times which are ranked from somewhat excited to RIDICULOUSLY excited):

Brandon Flowers - TBA
Savages - TBA
The Dodos - Individ (1/27)
Wild Nothing - TBA
Panda Bear (Noah Lennox from Animal Collective) - Panda Bear Meets The Grim Reaper
Heems (from the now extinct Das Racist) - Eat Pray Thug (3/10)
Jose Gonzalez - Vestiges & Claws (2/17)
Fleetwood Mac - TBA
Chromatics - Dear Tommy
Pusha T - King Push
Freddie Gibbs - Lifestyles of the Insane
James Blake - TBA
Purity Ring
Belle & Sebastian - Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance (1/20)
The Decemberists - What a Terrible World, What a Beautiful World (1/20)
Father John Misty - I Love You, Honeybear (2/10)
Death Cab for Cutie - TBA
Chance the Rapper - Surf
Blood Orange - TBA
Joey Bada$$ (finally!) - B4.DA.$$ (1/20)
Band of Horses - TBA
Drake - Views From the 6
Adele - TBA
Modest Mouse - Strangers to Ourselves (3/3)
Beach House - TBA
A$AP Rocky
Grimes - TBA
Run the Jewels - RTJ3
My Morning Jacket - TBA
Kanye West - TBA
Kendrick Lamar - TBA
Radiohead - TBA
Frank Ocean - TBA