Monday Mixtape, Vol. 107

There has been some GREAT music I've been blasting the past couple weeks from some highly anticipated albums like Drake's Scorpion and Jim James' Uniform Distortion as well as some newer (at least to me) artists, Teyana Taylor, Mt. Joy, The Academic, and The Undercover Dream Lovers, AND a surprise couple songs from Childish Gambino. 

So let's first talk about Drake. He made a ridiculously long album. Again. Sigh. This time it's a "double album" where side A is rap and Side B is his R&B/Pop thang. There's nothing I hate more than double albums. The results are ALWAYS the same. If you took the best 12 songs from the total fattened and bloated 24 songs, you usually would get one hell of an album. Calling Red Hot Chili Peppers' Stadium Arcadium. How good would that album have been!??

SO ANYWAYS, Drake. He's a very easy target these days on social media and all the music blogospheres because it's pretty easy to make fun of him (he's a walking meme and the majority of his lyrics, particularly on this album), and he gets a ton of clicks for all the sites. Most people have been mainly hating on the album, which is somewhat fair, but I do think that Drake's albums  for one, are an acquired taste, and two, typically take me many listens to appreciate. This one is no different. I really enjoy Side B, and particularly the two tracks on this week's mixtape. "Peak" has a little sound on it that really reminded me of ***NERD GAMER ALERT*** a very specific sound effect from one of - IF NOT THE - greatest video games ever, Final Fantasy VII. Now maybe you'll just say, please stop, you're making too much of this, but GUESS WHAT? There is another song on the album called "FINAL FANTASY." Honestly, I have no idea if that's a coincidence, but I don't really believe in coincidences so it is not and they knew exactly what they were doing. Love it. Also, the hook on "Finesse" is just catchy and suave Drake at his best. So that ends, Drake.

I read a review recently that likened Jim James' new solo album to a My Morning Jacket album made 15 years ago. Pretty on point except certainly not the quality of MMJ at their peak. I know MMJ has an amazing following and is renowned as a phenomenal live band (I've seen them twice and also Jim James once), but I do believe they're underrated. These guys are one of the best five rock bands of the past 20 years. Who else is one there is up to you and yours, but THEY'RE THERE.

Listen to this Mt. Joy album more than once, it will grow on you. I thought they were a little too what's that band that chants and shouts all the time and is a bit folksy? Right, Of Monsters and Men, who I just never could get into. These guys reminded me of them a bit, but additional listens brought some nuance to their lyrics and musical talents. It's good stuff!

Teyana Taylor was the vixen from Kanye's very much watched by all men video, "Fade"

 Her album is pretty good, and I love this song. Hope you do too!

The Academic released an album that will be utterly forgettable in some years, but I utterly enjoy it now. They're like a mix of Two Door Cinema Club and New Found Glory. It's enjoyable and makes me feel good.

Finally, Childish Gambino continues his crazy run of brilliance with the summer jam, "Summertime Magic." Play this on repeat and you'll have a good week. 
