Monday Mixtape, Vol. 100!

We did it!! 100 Monday Mixtapes! All I can say is I'm happy I got Layers & Sounds to this point. I initially started this blog in the hopes that I could share my musical tastes and potentially become somewhat of a quasi popular music blogger whose range of musical tastes brought all sorts of different people to the fray. I knew that was always a stretch, but I did get a press pass to a My Morning Jacket show and almost got Michael Rapaport to tweet links to my playlists of my Best of Jay-Z and Best of Nas to see which playlist was better. Rapaport couldn’t figure Spotify out at that point so it all fell through :( We’ll always have the laughs  

But I started this blog as Spotify and all the other streaming giants began to really gain steam, and it seemed like humble blogs became irrelevant because Spotify and others would recommend music to listen to (and TBH Discover is a pretty cool playlist!).

Nonetheless, I kept writing and sharing stuff because it helped me keep my creative mind alive while I slaved away at a job that was very stressful and not exactly creative. A few blog posts got a lot of views for some weird reason: An Intervention for...The Weeknd maybe the most so because I wrote about "I Can't Feel My Face" before it became a huge hit so my SEO came up on a lot of people's searches (or something like that.)

Of the hundreds and hundreds of poems I've written, I've shared about five of them since those are the only ones I think are worth a damn. I'm proud of them and glad I was able to find an outlet to say those things.

I wish I wrote more stream of conscious musings on books I’ve read since I ultimately forget so much of what I liked in books. I only have two books on my blog but better than none, I suppose.

I shared photographs and other things, it's all been an adventure and great to look back on as I hit this numerical milestone since Layers & Sounds started three years ago.

(We won’t talk about the fashion blog. A bit misguided but still glad I tried).

Anyways, here's some more music, my 100th Mixtape, god knows if I'll be able to do another 100 of these, but I can promise you the music will always be playing. 
